
Showing posts from September, 2012

IprediaOS automatically encrypts network traffic using the I2P network

IprediaOS IprediaOS is a fast, powerful and stable operating system based on Linux that provides an anonymous environment. Many applications are available in IprediaOS, including mail, peer-peer, bittorrent, IRC chat and others. All network traffic is automatically and transparently encrypted and anonymized using the I2P network. With IprediaOS you get I2P Router Anonymous BitTorrent client Anonymous e-mail client Anonymous IRC client Browse Internet anonymously Find anonymous eepSites (i2p sites) About the I2P Project I2P is an anonymizing network, offering a simple layer that identity-sensitive applications can use to securely communicate. All data is wrapped with several layers of encryption, and the network is both distributed and dynamic, with no trusted parties. Run IprediaOS as a virtual machine with VirtualBox If you want to run IprediaOS as a virtual machine, it's quite possible to do so. Just select Linux and Fedora as the OS typ

Minimize the time it takes to enable referential constraints by doing it in parallel

Alter session to "FORCE PARALLEL DDL" The table in this example is created with the NOPARALLEL attribute. Using ALTER SESSION FORCE PARALLEL DDL , the validation of the constraint is done in parallel. This cuts the time consumed to under one minute in my environment. -- Disable the constraint (only takes a second) ALTER TABLE usr . Table1   DISABLE CONSTRAINT TABLE1_FK_COL1 ; -- Enable constraint in parallel takes about 40 seconds (NOPARALLEL takes approx. 5 minutes) ALTER TABLE   usr . Table1   ENABLE NOVALIDATE CONSTRAINT  TABLE1_FK_COL1  ; ALTER SESSION FORCE PARALLEL DDL PARALLEL 8 ; ALTER TABLE  usr . Table1   ENABLE VALIDATE CONSTRAINT  TABLE1_FK_COL1  ; ALTER SESSION ENABLE PARALLEL DDL; What the documentation says about ALTER SESSION ... PARALLEL The PARALLEL parameter determines whether all subsequent DML, DDL, or query statements in the session will be considered for parallel execution. This clause enables you to overrid

Unregister Oracle database from recovery catalog when db is unavailable

The normal RMAN method with database target connection To unregister an Oracle database from a recovery catalog you normally connect to the target database and the recovery catalog using RMAN (recovery manager) and issue the UNREGISTER DATABASE  command. Like this. $ rman  RMAN> connect target /  RMAN> connect catalog rcat@rcatdb RMAN> unregister database; But what if you want to unregister a database that has been deleted, or is unavailable for other reasons?

Solution to CrashPlan restore showing "no files found"

Trying to restore a file from CashPlan backup, but your client application does not display any files or the message "no files found"? Before you panic, see if this solves your problem! If you know that files have been previously backed up, it may indicate a problem with your local CrashPlan cache. This is just a display issue and is normally resolved by clearing the cache and have CrashPlan rebuild it. This operation does not affect your backed up data, it is simply re-scanning each file. Here's how to do it...